Thursday, June 4, 2020

Theorycrafted: Spellslingers / Spellbreakers

    In a time long long ago, or if you are playing Classic World of Warcraft not so long ago... in fact right now. Mages and Priest both shared a talent called Wand Specialization. Now in retail, wands are gone as far as I know. The Spellslinger is a spec design for the Mage based on wand based builds from other games such as Path of Exile and Dungeon and Dragons. The idea turns the mage into a Magical auto attack class. Now this said it could work with Crossbows and maybe bows if wands are not wanted to be added back to the game. This would give them another purpose instead of just being like all loot which is hunter loot.
    The idea of the class for me falls into having a magical based hunter really. Embedding your shots with elemental or arcane magic, using blink to reposition quickly. This said it could very well be a proper Hunter Spec as well. 
    In that case I bring in the idea of the Spellbreaker as being another option for Mages. A tanking spec for mages. We already have lore about them in the game and while they do not have a ton of abilities from warcraft 3 it is easy to look at other units inside of World of Warcraft for inspiration. Looking at the Silvermoon Spellbreaker from Isle of Thunder shows them wearing what appears to be cloth armor and wielding a shield. Using a sword, but could also wield a glaive similar to Demon Hunters. 
    We also have some ideas from the World of Warcraft RPG which is non-canon, but still leads to some ideas of the spec. So many interesting ideas could come from this.
    Thank you for reading, tomorrow lets jump into bed with another spec idea that would love to beat people up with a shield. Until than, stay classy while letting me know what you think of my madness.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Theorycrafted: WoW: Necromancers

       So in yesterdays post, I talked about my thoughts on turning Unholy Death Knights into a necromancer like spec. Focusing on spellcasting, but than using big damaging melee moves. 
    Today we talk about another idea that could bring Necromancers into World of Warcraft. This is a bigger idea I have for what I would do for a World of Warcraft expansion. Instead of adding new classes add new specs to existing classes. With the talent trees being as bland as they are it would be an easy enough option. So lets talk about how I would design a new Priest spec Necromancy. Priest, would be the perfect place to stick Necromancers. Now you might wonder why I say Priest would be, but started with the DK yesterday? Thematically DK already has the kit for it. Priest on the other hand is already a cloth based caster. 
    The biggest question for me is How would this work. Well this would work wonders coming out of Shadowlands thematically speaking. As far as the design, I would take a similar route as the design I talked about yesterday with the Death Knight. You have your damaging spells Shadow Word: Pain ect ect. But you gain access to new spells that interact with your undead minions that you summon. This is not your you have a pet design. All of your minions are limited in time. Perhaps there is a limit to how many of a type of minion you can raise. If there is a corpse nearby your cooldown for your raise skeleton ability resets instantly. Giving you the ability to bring more minions in quicker. My thoughts are better mechanics of the Nightborn withered w/e they were called. A single skeleton isn't going to do a ton of damage, but a horde of them. Well, I think you get the idea. You would have abilities that interact with them. Combine 5 skeletons to form a skeleton beserker. Sacrifice a skeleton to gain a bone shield to an ally or yourself. You could even go as far as becoming a Lich like character. There are tons of possibilities. Tomorrow lets keep going with the idea of additional specs for classes by talking about a long dead talent point that both priests and another class use to share. Let me know your thoughts and as always, stay classy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Theorycrafted: Unholy Death Knights

    Back in Wrath of the Lich King, World of Warcraft gained access to Death Knights boy was that a time. But this blog is not about that time, it is about Unholy Death Knights (UDK)
    One important unit from Warcraft 3 has evaded the World of Warcraft the Necromancer. UDKs have the theme of a Necromancer, but lack the playstyle of something like a necromancer. Sure there is Demon Warlock, but different matter. Back when DKs were released I felt sadness because the way DKs in general felt and than UDKs felt, I knew we would never get Necromancers (Though I have this and another idea for a later post).What I felt should have been done was UDKs wear spell power plate and be primarily spellcasters. This at the time would have addressed there only being 1 spec that needed spell power plate. 
    Now looking back on this it could have worked well. However inspired by Final Fantasy XIV's Red Mage I think something could be done even more fitting. For those who do not know what the Red Mage is, it is a ranged spellcasters that builds up a resource (Mana) and than charges in uses melee abilities and than leaps back out of harms way to keep casting spells. 
    My idea for what I would do with Unholy would follow a twist to this. We would work in reverse you would have a few cast time spells that you can use, but are empowered by a resource that you gain from using your melee based spells. We have so many of the components of the Necromancer various raise dead spells, Unholy Frenzy, and we lack cripple, but chains of ice works similarly.
    Honestly I would love just the playstyle of the Red Mage. I could see using spells casted using your runes building up runic power which than you unleash powerful melee attacks. Your spells would be more based on summoning and controlling skeletons and ghouls giving you that necromancer swarming feel and casting plagues. 
    Perhaps the UDK is fine as it is. There is always the second option for having a necromancer. What is it stay tuned and let me know what your thoughts are.